The Game Backlog

I have quite a large Steam game collection. 231 games. A ludicrous amount of games. As well as the games I’ve anticipated and obsessed over, I have random one-offs that were on sale, games that were included in various bundles, and freebies. Some of the ones I got on sale have been played less than the ones I got for free. I’d go so far as to say that most of the games in my Steam library are unplayed (I then went and checked – not the majority, but a pretty hefty sum: 92 out of 231). This really only hit home recently, as I decided to reorganise the categories in the game library and found myself completely at a loss about certain games. So, I have made a resolution – play them all. Rather than going for my usual standards (Dota 2, Binding of Isaac) and rather than buying anything that’s on my wishlist (Dishonored 2 is coming soon and looks great), I’m going to try out something from the backlog. I’m going to be unforgiving – there’s a lot of them and I know a lot of it is crap filler from bundles. So if an hour of…
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